niedziela, 10 kwietnia 2016


Reasoning is the way we put together fact and events in our brain and make them work together as a logical whole. Logical is a very important part of this definition. Why? We will get to this.

First of all, there are this important terms that we must know and remember. Induction and 
Deduction. They sound almost the same to me but as I now know, they aren't. Induction is assuming some fact basing on the greater group to which these fact apply. For example: 98% of children likes sweets therefore the kid I just met will probably enjoy chocolate he is about to buy. Deduction is in my opinion a little bit like a mathematic equation. If A equals B and B equals C then A equals C as well.  Obviously, the results of our inductive and deductive reasoning will not be right because exceptions are almost always existing. The statement - every dog I know has a tail so your dog also have a tail- can be incorrect. This particular dog could be a victim of an accident and in result he has no tail. Deduction and induction may lead to prejudice as we approach new problems with experience from the past. "Every blue eyed person I met was a murderer so she must be as well!"

It all starts to be confusing as we dive into it. But here is why I said LOGIC is important. We can't just blindly connect the dots and believe that the picture is correct. We must follow the numbers next to these dots and that way we will end up with a nicely drawn picture. Also it is important not to connect dots with squares because it will create nonsense and false ideas. "Potato has skin, I have skin, therefore I am a potato.". It makes no sense because we connected squares with dots. Speaking more clearly; we connected facts that have nothing to do with each other and we got an answer which is complete absurd. 

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