PATC is not some serious, legally bonding document (as it is easy to think) but a very helpful method when it comes to finding sources for our favorite activity, obtaining knowledge.
Purpose-Why the source is produced?
Author-Do we know anything about the author of the source we are using?
Context-Are there any other sources that would back up this one?
Tone-Are we reading dry facts or emotional opinions?
To be honest, PACT is not some new, magical invention that was
discovered like washing machine, but something that was exiting for a long
amount of time before it was named. According to my observations most teenagers
are skeptical so they unconsciously use PACT when reading newspapers or
articles online. I think that PACT should be mentioned in every school curriculum
not only IB and it should be done in middle school, when kids are crating their
personalities individually and not with their home habits. I would help with so
much aspects of growing up because as I already said PACT is universal and can
be used not only for historical sources but also for medical online